physical problems on the hard drives

We can recover your data

Classic hard drives, sata and ide hard drives, have 2 sections.

1-Electronic     2- Mechanical

Solid state drives, SSDs, and usb drives have only electronic parts.

                                                                         Example of physical damages;

  • Hard drive circuit board (PCB) damages

  • Reading / writing Head damages

  • USB connection port damages on external and portable hard drives and USB sticks

  • Surface damages, scratches on the platters

  • Heads get stuck on the platters. (Most of the hard drives have parking place for heads when they stop.)

  • Controller chips problems on usb sticks and ssd drives

                         How would you know whether your hard drive has a physical problem?

› your computer and laptop won’t boot
›hard drive won’t be seen at the Bios
›hard drive is not spinning

›hard drive spins but makes unusual clicking noises
›hard drive makes buzz noise
›usb sticks and ssd drives may get too hot. You can feel it when you touch them.

what kind of damages hard drive parts could get?

Hard drives have life time of 3 to 5 years , so this time will end one day  and your drives will stop working.

Dropping external and portable hard drive drives may cause internal damages. Heads and platters

Using the external drives harshly, plugging them out from your computer and moving them around straight away can cause internal damages. Give them 20 second to stop spinning, then move them.

Moving laptops around while they work can cause internal damages on the hard drive

Electricity frequency fluctuations can cause damages on the electronic boards of hard drives.

Hard Drive Head Damaged Data Recovery
information about Head damages

Can be physical damaged hard drives recovered?

Firstly, we need to check the inside of the drive. Whether there is a damages on heads and surface.
Head could be bended, or stuck on platters.
Hard drive’s surface could be scratched.
If the surface (platters) are damaged, there is nothing to do much.

If the heads are damaged, there is chance to retrieve your data.
If a hard drive has physical problems, donor drive(s) could be needed for head replacement.

What is a donor drive? Donor drive is an identical hard drive of patient drive. Some certain details must match, starting with same make and model but it won’t be enough. There are some other details such as date, firmware, are the main ones but there are some other details that depend on makes and models.

In some cases multiple donors could be needed. We can perform head replacement successfully however it may be not enough  in some cases. Some hard drives have multiple platters and we will not able to see them all clearly. Some of them could have damages which is not possible to see in some cases but we will try our best to recover your data.